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Kinston Offroad 18x24 plein air painting

Kinston Plein Air Competition

Kinston Offroad 18x24 plein air painting
Kinston Offroad 18×24 plein air painting

The first week of May, the town of Kinston hosts their annual plein air competition. This year, we were blessed with cool weather…at times, I had to wear 2 light jackets and gloves. Of course, I was painting at 4:30 am trying to capture the nocturne painting that is listed below. Although the weather was cool, it was also very overcast and sometimes rainy. However, true to the plein air tradition, the artists embraced the weather and painted anyway.

The painting above, “Kinston Offroad“, was my most favorite painting of the event. It’s always nice to get out in the open field and sling paint on a somewhat larger size panel.  My usual size plein air paintings range from 8×10 to 11×14’s, so it’s a fun challenge to work larger…plus, it helps me to loosen up in my style.

Below are a few of the paintings I painted during the event:

"Dunn Before dawn" 16x20 en plein air
“Dunn Before dawn” 16×20 en plein air *sold*


The nocturne above received an honorable mention in the competition.

"Blount St. Blues" 11x14 acrylic en plein air
“Blount St. Blues” 11×14 acrylic en plein air
"The Red Room" 14x11 acrylic
“The Red Room” 14×11 acrylic *sold*

When it’s too rainy to paint outside, take your paints inside!


Jeremy painting en plein air
Jeremy painting en plein air